
ALSE Manual National SAR Manual Aircraft Emergency Procedures over Water etc.

$ 52.27

Availability: 82 in stock


This thick three ring black binder contains the following manuals, all  in good condition:
Aviation Life Support Equipment (ALSE) TC 1-62, 14 April 1980
Aviation Life Support Equipment (ALSE) for Army Aircrews FM 1-302 (reprint from 1984 that includes Change 1)
Maintaining Aviation Life Support Equipment (ALSE) Maintenance Program, FM 1-508, 12 January 1990
National Search and Rescue Manual 1 July  1973, FM 20-150 and Amendment 1 dated December 19, 1974
Aircraft Emergency Procedures Over Water, FM 20-151, 1971,  this is a reprint that includes Change 1 and 2